Power Pressure Cooker Xl Beef Vegetable Soup Recipes

Vegetable Beef Soup in a brown bowl

I've always loved a good Vegetable Beefiness Soup, only this is the first time trying i in the pressure cooker. WOW! It's and then much faster, tastier, and the meat is so tender.

Vegetable Beef Soup in a brown bowl

The fundamental a good soup is the broth. The perfect beef broth for a vegetable beefiness soup has a richness to it that you can't get from evidently beefiness stock. When I used to make beef soup, I would simmer beef with bones and some beefiness fat for hours and hours to develop the flavour.

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Now, information technology's super easy to exercise past using your electric pressure cooker. I used the Ninja Foodi half-dozen.5qt in this recipe, simply any electric pressure cooker will work but fine.

There are several unlike means to develop the flavor in your broth and I will go over them below.

What Tin can I use for the Broth?

If you take a homemade os broth that is rich and full of flavour, you lot tin admittedly utilize that. You lot would then skip the first function of the recipe where the broth is cooked with the beef ribs and vegetables. Increase the beef to almost 1½ pounds and use a cut that will cook in 2 minutes when in 1" cubes.

Yous can even purchase some quality os broths at the grocery store, only they are a lilliputian pricey and not every bit proficient every bit homemade or making a quick broth similar I do in this recipe.

Y'all tin can besides only employ beef stock/broth and make the soup. It will exist fine, just non as flavorful as making a quick broth yourself.

Can I use H2o instead of Beef Goop/Stock when making the broth?

You can if you take more beef bones to flavor the water and want to spend the fourth dimension making a true bone broth.

In this recipe, the 1 pound of beefiness with basic is non enough to flavor water and create the depth of season for the vegetable beef soup. The 30-minute PC time also isn't plenty, and then it'southward best to get-go with beef broth or stock for the best flavor.

If yous had four pounds of beefiness bones and wanted to make a os broth, I would add nearly 6 cups of water to that, along with triple the salt, pepper, thyme and double the vegetables. PC for 90 minutes with a full natural release and your goop should exist rich and delicious to use as the base for your soup.

What is the All-time cut of Beef for my Soup?

I used two different cuts in the vegetable beef soup each time I tested it, simply I varied the cuts to try to effigy out what works best.

For the fattier cut of beefiness that is used to flavor the broth at the beginning, I tried oxtails and beef short ribs. Both worked, merely I plant the goop made from oxtails was much fattier and the meat was almost impossible to get off of the bone.

Had I cooked it longer, that wouldn't have been an upshot and I also recollect the quality of my oxtails is in question because they had very piddling meat on them to brainstorm with.

When I fabricated the vegetable beef soup with beef brusque ribs, it was perfect. The meat is piece of cake to become off of the bone, very tender, and the goop had the perfect depth of flavor and richness.

At that place are two different styles of Beef Ribs and y'all can use either in this recipe.

English Cut: These are the beefiness short ribs I used have a large piece of meat on the top of the bone. If you can find this cut, I recommend using them because it will be much easier for yous go the meat off the bone and dorsum into the soup.

English Cut Beef Short Ribs on a plate
English Cutting Beef Short Ribs

Flanken Cut: These are cut beyond the bone and flat in advent. You lot can certainly use them and they will give you the groovy flavor, only it might exist a piffling harder to get the meat off and remove the basic and connective tissue.

I also used a 2nd cut of beef that is bacteria and added during the 2d PC time in this recipe. I suggest using both a fatty cutting and a leaner cut for the best effect, but If you lot wanted to apply several pounds of brusk ribs, you certainly tin can.

The broth will be much fattier, so you might desire to permit it chill and remove the fat layer on pinnacle before proceeding to make the soup.

I would cull a cutting of beef with a os for the fattier cut and boneless for the leaner cutting. You can use something like a boneless chuck roast, but you lot will accept a very fatty broth that should be chilled and the fat layer removed.

I used several different cuts for the leaner beefiness that is cubed and added in earlier the second force per unit area cook and they all worked but fine.

The ones I tried are; Flank Steak, Summit Sirloin, and what is called a London Broil in the grocery stores in the US.

They all worked just fine. Almost whatever lean cut of beef will work and exist tender in the short PC time considering it is cut into one" cubes.

What Vegetables Are All-time To Add to the Vegetable Beef Soup?

Annihilation yous want! That's the beauty of soup, you can add or omit annihilation you want.

The only affair to keep in heed is how the vegetables will cook in ii minutes of PC time.

I used a combination of fresh and frozen vegetables, calculation the fresh vegetables before the 2 minute PC time and the frozen vegetables after the PC time and used sear/sauté to soften them.

This was Only considering I wanted vibrant dark-green beans and PC'ing them acquired them to darken quite a bit. You can see the departure below in the picture. In that location wasn't any result with texture and the vegetables were non mushy when PC'd, then this was strictly about looks.

showing difference in color of beans when PC'd and not
Top bowl, the frozen vegetables were non PC'd. Lesser Bowl, they were PC'd

The size of the vegetables will make a deviation in how they cook, and so if you add together in carrots that are cut in ½-1" rounds, they are fine PC'd for 2 minutes. Nevertheless, if you like your carrots sliced very sparse, they will cook much faster and should be added after the PC time and apply the sear/sauté to cook them when the PC time is up.

Fresh green beans can be added and will probably be fine in the ii minute PC time, just they will darken some.

Yous can add together the tomatoes earlier the PC time, I simply forgot and added them afterwards. Either mode is fine. You can besides omit the tomatoes and no other changes are needed.

If yous wanted to add cabbage to the soup, it will exist fine to add before the 2 infinitesimal PC time.

You tin as well use canned vegetables, just drain the liquid from them. I would add the canned vegetables after the PC time and utilize sear/sauté to heat them through.

Equally far as potatoes go, I recommend using yukon gold in soups and stews considering they concord their texture better. New potatoes would likewise hold upward fine in the vegetable beefiness soup.

If you wanted to utilise Russets, and don't want them to fall autonomously, you can either cut them bigger or add together them after the 2 minute PC time and use the sear/sauté and simmer until they are cooked the way you like them.

Russets tend to fall autonomously and they thicken the soup slightly when PC'd. I did a test batch with them and they were fine, merely very soft and the soup was slightly thicker.

How to Brand Vegetable Beef Soup in the Ninja Foodi or Instant Pot

Even if you don't have the Ninja Foodi or Instant Pot, you lot can still make this recipe in any electric pressure level cooker.

The first step is to create the base for your soup and that'due south the broth. To brand a actually flavorful broth, I used 1 pound of short ribs seasoned with salt and pepper and seared in a lilliputian oil.

Have your short ribs out of the refrigerator well-nigh xxx minutes before you lot are ready to make your soup if you can. If not, it's non a big bargain.

Turn the Ninja Foodi or Instant Pot on sear/sauté on high. Add almost a Tablespoon of olive oil or whatever oil you like to melt with. Season the short ribs with salt and pepper on all sides.

I like to take 1 tsp of fine grind sea salt and i tsp of black pepper and mix it in a pocket-sized basin. I use most one-half of information technology to season the ribs and add the remaining salt and pepper to the pot before pressure cooking.

When the pot is hot, only non smoking, add in the ribs and sear them on all sides. It takes about 45-60 seconds or then per side to get a nice sear. I too brand sure I put the ribs towards the side of the inner pot where the oil is collecting.

If you lot run across resistance when trying to flip your ribs, leave them alone for some other 30-60 seconds and endeavour again. They will lift upward without whatever effort when the sear is complete.

Once the ribs are seared on all sides, add in the onion quartered, 2 carrots cut in one-half and 2 stalks of celery. You don't even have to peel the carrots!

adding veggies and broth to make the stock for the soup

Add in the Beef broth/stock and brand sure to scrape the bottom of the pot to brand sure nothing is sticking. If anything is stuck to the bottom, it could trigger the water find (fire notice on IP's).

Add together in the remaining salt and pepper mix, 2 bay leaves and the thyme. Place the pressure chapeau on and turn the valve to seal. Set the force per unit area to loftier for thirty minutes. When the fourth dimension is upwards, allow the pot to natural release fully. This usually takes about thirty minutes.

The beauty of using the pressure cooker is yous can confidently walk away and you exercise not have to worry almost anything. Even if you are gone for a few hours, the pot will simply switch to keep warm and you can resume making the soup when you are prepare.

scraping the bottom and adding in seasonings

Remove the brusk ribs and place them on a cutting board or on a plate. Remove the large vegetables and strain the broth with a colander over a bowl. Press the vegetables to remove as much goop every bit you tin can.

What I'm using is a colander that is also a measuring cup placed into a larger glass measuring loving cup.

Here are the links if you want to check them out ⬇︎⬇︎⬇︎

Easy Read Measuring Colander

Small Batter Bowl

I've establish that after the PC time, you will accept almost 3 cups of broth and that is perfect for our soup.

Straining the broth

Pour the broth back into the inner pot and discard the cooked vegetables. Add together the curt ribs back into the pot.

Cut up the leaner beef you are using into about 1" cubes and season with ½ tsp fine grind body of water table salt and ½ tsp of pepper. Add to the inner pot.

Cut the carrots into almost ½" circles, cut the celery into most ½" slices and add to the pot. Dice the onion into ¼-½" dice and add together to the pot.

Cut the potatoes into most 1" pieces and add to the pot.

You can add together the canned tomatoes now or wait until later on the PC time, either works just fine. Give a good stir and put the pressure chapeau on. Turn the valve to seal and set the pressure on high for 2 minutes. When the fourth dimension is up, allow the pot to Natural Release for 10 minutes and then manually release the remaining pressure.

adding ingredients for vegetable beef soup to the inner pot

Remove the beef brusque ribs from the pot and place on a cutting board. Plow the Ninja Foodi to sear/sauté on medium.

Add in 2 cups of frozen vegetables and the can of fire roasted tomatoes if you didn't add them before the PC time.

Finishing the soup with frozen vegetables

Remove the meat from the short ribs and return the meat to the soup. Simmer on medium until the vegetables are cooked to your liking. This took almost 5 minutes for me.

Stir the soup and sense of taste for seasonings. Adjust as needed.

removing the meat from the shortribs

Serve & Bask!

eating vegetable beef soup

Vegetable Beef Soup in a brown bowl

Vegetable Beef Soup ~ Pressure Cooker Recipe

Elementary & delicious vegetable beef soup made right in the pressure cooker.

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Prep Time 10 mins

Cook Time 37 mins

Time to Pressure & Natural Release Time 1 hr

Total Time 1 hour 47 mins

Course Dinner, Soup

Cuisine American

Servings ten

Calories 225 kcal

  • Electric Pressure Cooker

Plow this on when cooking to prevent your screen from going dark

For the Soup Stock

  • one Tbsp olive oil
  • 1 lb curt ribs
  • 1 tsp fine grind body of water common salt
  • 1 tsp pepper
  • 1 onion quartered
  • two carrots cutting in half
  • 2 stalks celery cut in half
  • two cups beef goop
  • 1 tsp thyme leaves
  • 2 bay leaves

For the Vegetable Beef Soup

  • 1 lb elevation sirloin see post for other options
  • ½ tsp fine grind ocean salt
  • ½ tsp blackness pepper
  • 2 carrots cutting into ½" circles
  • 2 stalks celery cut into ½" pieces
  • 1 onion ¼-½" dice
  • one lb Yukon gold potatoes
  • 14.5 ounces burn down roasted tomatoes
  • two cups frozen mixed vegetables

To Make the Beef Stock

  • Remove the brusk ribs from the fridge about 30 minutes before making the soup.

  • Turn the sear/sauté on loftier and add together olive oil. Season the ribs on both sides with the salt and pepper mix. Reserve any that is left over. When the oil is hot, sear the ribs on all sides. This only takes three-5 minutes.

  • Add in the quartered onion, 2 carrots cut in half, 2 stalks of celery cutting in one-half. Deglaze the pot with two cups of beef broth and scrape the bottom to make sure zilch is stuck.

  • Add the left over salt and pepper. Add the thyme leaves and the 2 bay leaves. Identify the pressure chapeau on and turn the valve to seal. Set the force per unit area on high for 30 minutes. When the time is up, allow the pot to natural release fully. This takes about 30 minutes.

  • Remove the brusk ribs and set aside for afterwards. Remove the large vegetables and strain the broth through a colander into a basin. Printing the vegetables to extract all the broth. Discard the vegetables.

To Make the Vegetable Beef Soup

  • Pour the goop back into the inner pot and add back in the short ribs.

  • Cube the steak into about 1" chunks. Season with ½ tsp of fine grind sea salt and ½ tsp of black pepper. Add to pot.

  • Cut the carrots and celery into ½" pieces and add together to the pot. Dice the onion into ¼-½" die and add to the pot. Add in the tomatoes now or y'all can expect until after the PC is done. Cube the potatoes into about ane" pieces and add to the pot.

  • Place the pressure lid on and turn the valve to seal. Set the pressure level to loftier for 2 minutes. When the fourth dimension is up, let the pot natural release for 10 minutes and then manually release the remaining pressure.

  • Stir in the frozen vegetables and the tomatoes if you didn't add together them earlier and apply the sear/sauté on medium to simmer the soup until the vegetables are cooked to your liking. This took near 5 minutes for me.

  • Sense of taste for seasonings and arrange equally needed. Serve & Savour

Nutritional values are provided as a courtesy and thesaltedpepper.com makes no guarantees of accuracy. We do our best to ensure they are authentic, only many factors influence nutritional values that are across our control. Different brands of items have different nutritional values, so it is ever all-time to practice your own independent nutritional analysis based on the items you are using in a recipe if you require a high level of accuracy. Thesaltedpepper.com will not exist held accountable for any errors in the displayed nutritional information.

Serving: 1 cup Calories: 225 kcal Carbohydrates: 21 m Poly peptide: xx g Fatty: 7 m Saturated Fat: two m Cholesterol: 46 mg Sodium: 541 mg Potassium: 794 mg Fiber: 4 thousand Sugar: four g Vitamin A: 6010 IU Vitamin C: 17 mg Calcium: 53 mg Iron: 3 mg

Keyword pressure cooker vegetable beef soup, Vegetable beef soup

Allow the states know how it was!


Louise is a full-time recipe creator and food blogger @ The Salted Pepper. She has over 30 years of experience with cooking and recipe development. She owned a eating place for several years and was a full-time RN until retiring to weblog full-time.

The Salted Pepper

Louise has several very active Facebook groups that assistance people with the basics of cooking and getting the virtually out of the Ninja Foodi.

Ninja Foodi 101

Ninja Foodi Fresh & Salubrious Meals

But Cooking with Louise

Seeing the need for easy, delicious, and high quality recipes, she is focusing all of her efforts creating recipes specifically for the Ninja Foodi. Her recipes are easy for the home cook to follow and provide step-by-pace instructions.

Louise is also a YouTube creator and y'all can find most of her recipes in video format on The Salted Pepper YouTube channel.

She is very responsive to messages and eager to help in whatever way she can.




Source: https://thesaltedpepper.com/vegetable-beef-soup/

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