9. Testbenches¶

9.1. Introduction¶

In previous chapters, we generated the simulation waveforms using modelsim, by providing the input signal values manually; if the number of input signals are very large and/or nosotros accept to perform simulation several times, then this process can be quite complex, fourth dimension consuming and irritating. Suppose input is of ten chip, and we want to test all the possible values of input i.e. \(two^{10}-1\), then information technology is impossible to do it manually. In such cases, testbenches are very useful; likewise, the tested designs are more reliable and prefer by the clients as well. Farther, with the aid of testbenches, we can generate results in the form of csv (comma separated file), which can be used by other softwares for further analysis e.1000. Python, Excel and Matlab etc.

Since testbenches are used for simulation purpose only (not for synthesis), therefore total range of Verilog constructs can be used e.g. keywords 'for', 'display' and 'monitor' etc. can be used for writing testbenches.


Modelsim-project is created in this chapter for simulations, which allows the relative path to the files with respect to project directory as shown in Section 9.3.i. Simulation tin be run without creating the projection, but we need to provide the total path of the files as shown in Line 25 of List 9.four.

Lastly, mixed modeling is non supported past Altera-Modelsim-starter version, i.e. Verilog designs with VHDL and vice-versa can non be compiled in this version of Modelsim. For mixed modeling, nosotros can use Agile-HDL software equally discussed in Affiliate Department 2.

9.two. Testbench for combinational circuits¶

In this section, various testbenches for combinational circuits are shown, whereas testbenches for sequential circuits are discussed in adjacent section. For simplicity of the codes and better understanding, a elementary half adder circuit is tested using diverse simulation methods.

nine.2.1. Half adder¶

Listing ix.one shows the Verilog code for the half adder which is tested using different methods,

Listing 9.one Half adder

                                ane  2  3  4  5  six  7  8  9 x 11 12
                                                                // half_adder.v                                module                                half_adder                                (                                input                                wire                                a                                ,                                b                                ,                                output                                wire                                sum                                ,                                carry                                );                                assign                                sum                                =                                a                                ^                                b                                ;                                assign                                acquit                                =                                a                                &                                b                                ;                                endmodule                              

9.3. Testbench with 'initial block'¶

Note that, testbenches are written in carve up Verilog files as shown in Listing nine.2. Simplest way to write a testbench, is to invoke the 'design for testing' in the testbench and provide all the input values within the 'initial cake', as explained below,

Caption Listing 9.2

In this listing, a testbench with proper name 'half_adder_tb' is divers at Line five. Annotation that, ports of the testbench is e'er empty i.e. no inputs or outputs are defined in the definition (see Line five). Then 4 signals are defined i.east. a, b, sum and carry (Lines 7-eight); these signals are then connected to bodily one-half adder design using structural modeling (see Line 13). Lastly, different values are assigned to input signals e.grand. 'a' and 'b' at lines xviii and 19 respectively.


'Initial block' is used at Line fifteen, which is executed merely once, and terminated when the concluding line of the block executed i.e. Line 32. Hence, when we press run-all push button in Fig. 9.i, then simulation terminated after threescore ns (i.due east. does non run forever).

In Line 19, value of 'b' is 0, then information technology changes to '1' at Line 23, after a delay of 'period' divers at Line 20. The value of menstruation is '20 (Line 11) * timescale (Line 3) = 20 ns'. In this list all the combinations of inputs are defined manually i.e. 00, 01, 10 and 11; and the results are shown in Fig. 9.1, as well corresponding outputs i.due east. sum and carry are shown in the figure.


To generate the waveform, first compile the 'half_adder.v and and so 'half_adder_tb.v' (or compile both the file simultaneously.). So simulate the half_adder_tb.v file. Finally, click on 'run all' push button (which volition run the simulation to maximum time i.e. fourscore ns)and and so click and then 'zoom full' button (to fit the waveform on the screen), as shown in Fig. 9.i.

Listing 9.2 Simple testbench for one-half adder

                                  i  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  nine 10 xi 12 13 xiv 15 16 17 xviii nineteen twenty 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34
                                                                    // half_adder_tb.v                                  `timescale                                  1                                  ns                                  /                                  10                                  ps                                  // time-unit = i ns, precision = ten ps                                  module                                  half_adder_tb                                  ;                                  reg                                  a                                  ,                                  b                                  ;                                  wire                                  sum                                  ,                                  bear                                  ;                                  // duration for each flake = twenty * timescale = twenty * ane ns  = 20ns                                  localparam                                  catamenia                                  =                                  20                                  ;                                  half_adder                                  UUT                                  (.                                  a                                  (                                  a                                  ),                                  .                                  b                                  (                                  b                                  ),                                  .                                  sum                                  (                                  sum                                  ),                                  .                                  carry                                  (                                  behave                                  ));                                  initial                                  // initial cake executes only one time                                  brainstorm                                  // values for a and b                                  a                                  =                                  0                                  ;                                  b                                  =                                  0                                  ;                                  #                                  menses                                  ;                                  // wait for period                                                                    a                                  =                                  0                                  ;                                  b                                  =                                  1                                  ;                                  #                                  period                                  ;                                  a                                  =                                  1                                  ;                                  b                                  =                                  0                                  ;                                  #                                  period                                  ;                                  a                                  =                                  ane                                  ;                                  b                                  =                                  1                                  ;                                  #                                  catamenia                                  ;                                  finish                                  endmodule                                


Fig. 9.1 Simulation results for Listing ix.ii

Testbench with 'e'er' block

In List 9.iii, 'always' statement is used in the testbench; which includes the input values forth with the corresponding output values. If the specified outputs are not matched with the output generated past one-half-adder, then errors will be displayed.


  • In the testbenches, the 'ever' statement can be written with or without the sensitivity list every bit shown in List 9.iii.
  • Unlike 'initial' cake, the 'e'er' block executes forever (if not terminated using 'stop' keyword). The statements inside the 'always' block execute sequentially; and after the execution of last statement, the execution begins once more from the first argument of the 'e'er' block.

Explanation Listing nine.3

The listing is same equally previous Listing ix.2, but 'always cake' is used instead of 'initial cake', therefore we tin provide the sensitive list to the design (Line 28) and proceeds more than control over the testing. A continuous clock is generated in Lines 19-26 by not defining the sensitive list to e'er-block (Line 19). This clock is used past Line 28. Also, some letters are as well displayed if the result of the design does not lucifer with the desire outcomes (Lines 35-36). In this way, we can find errors just by reading the concluding (see Fig. 9.2), instead of visualizing the whole waveform, which can be very difficult if the results are too long (see Fig. 9.3). Besides, Lines 35-36 tin be added in 'initial-block' of :numref:`verilog_half_adder_tb_v` too.

Listing ix.3 Testbench with procedural statement

                                  i  2  3  4  5  vi  seven  eight  9 10 xi 12 13 14 15 sixteen 17 18 xix 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 lx 61 62 63 64
                                                                    // half_adder_procedural_tb.v                                  `timescale                                  i                                  ns                                  /                                  ten                                  ps                                  // time-unit of measurement = 1 ns, precision = ten ps                                  module                                  half_adder_procedural_tb                                  ;                                  reg                                  a                                  ,                                  b                                  ;                                  wire                                  sum                                  ,                                  behave                                  ;                                  // duration for each bit = xx * timescale = 20 * one ns  = 20ns                                  localparam                                  period                                  =                                  twenty                                  ;                                  half_adder                                  UUT                                  (.                                  a                                  (                                  a                                  ),                                  .                                  b                                  (                                  b                                  ),                                  .                                  sum                                  (                                  sum                                  ),                                  .                                  carry                                  (                                  carry                                  ));                                  reg                                  clk                                  ;                                  // note that sensitive list is omitted in always block                                  // therefore always-block run forever                                  // clock catamenia = 2 ns                                  always                                  begin                                  clk                                  =                                  one                                  'b1                                  ;                                  #                                  20                                  ;                                  // high for 20 * timescale = twenty ns                                  clk                                  =                                  ane                                  'b0                                  ;                                  #                                  20                                  ;                                  // low for 20 * timescale = 20 ns                                  end                                  always                                  @(                                  posedge                                  clk                                  )                                  begin                                  // values for a and b                                  a                                  =                                  0                                  ;                                  b                                  =                                  0                                  ;                                  #                                  period                                  ;                                  // wait for menstruum                                  // display bulletin if output not matched                                  if                                  (                                  sum                                  !=                                  0                                  ||                                  carry                                  !=                                  0                                  )                                  $display                                  (                                  "exam failed for input combination 00"                                  );                                  a                                  =                                  0                                  ;                                  b                                  =                                  ane                                  ;                                  #                                  period                                  ;                                  // expect for period                                                                    if                                  (                                  sum                                  !=                                  one                                  ||                                  deport                                  !=                                  0                                  )                                  $display                                  (                                  "examination failed for input combination 01"                                  );                                  a                                  =                                  1                                  ;                                  b                                  =                                  0                                  ;                                  #                                  period                                  ;                                  // wait for period                                                                    if                                  (                                  sum                                  !=                                  ane                                  ||                                  conduct                                  !=                                  0                                  )                                  $display                                  (                                  "test failed for input combination 10"                                  );                                  a                                  =                                  one                                  ;                                  b                                  =                                  one                                  ;                                  #                                  period                                  ;                                  // look for flow                                                                    if                                  (                                  sum                                  !=                                  0                                  ||                                  comport                                  !=                                  1                                  )                                  $display                                  (                                  "test failed for input combination xi"                                  );                                  a                                  =                                  0                                  ;                                  b                                  =                                  1                                  ;                                  #                                  period                                  ;                                  // wait for catamenia                                                                    if                                  (                                  sum                                  !=                                  one                                  ||                                  carry                                  !=                                  1                                  )                                  $brandish                                  (                                  "examination failed for input combination 01"                                  );                                  $terminate                                  ;                                  // end of simulation                                  end                                  endmodule                                


Fig. 9.2 Error generated by Listing nine.three


Fig. ix.3 Simulation results for Listing 9.three

9.3.1. Read data from file¶

In this section, data is read from file 'read_file_ex.txt' and displayed in simulation results. Date stored in the file is shown in Fig. nine.four.


Fig. ix.four Data in file 'read_file_ex.txt'

Explanation Listing nine.iv

In the listing, 'integer i (Line 16)' is used in the 'for loop (Line 28)' to read all the lines of file 'read_file_ex.txt'. Data can be saved in 'binary' or 'hexadecimal format'. Since data is saved in 'binary format', therefor 'readmemb' (Line 23) is used to read it. For 'hexadecimal format', we demand to use keyword 'readmemh'. Read comments for further details of the listing. Information read by the listing is displayed in Fig. 9.five.

Listing ix.four Read data from file

                                    1  two  3  4  five  6  seven  eight  9 ten 11 12 13 14 fifteen 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
                                                                        // read_file_ex.5                                    // notation that, we demand to create Modelsim project to run this file,                                    // or provide full path to the input-file i.east. adder_data.txt                                                                        `timescale                                    1                                    ns                                    /                                    10                                    ps                                    // time-unit = 1 ns, precision = 10 ps                                    module                                    read_file_ex                                    ;                                    reg                                    a                                    ,                                    b                                    ;                                    // sum_expected, carry_expected are merged together for understanding                                    reg                                    [                                    one                                    :                                    0                                    ]                                    sum_carry_expected                                    ;                                    // [3:0] = 4 bit data                                    // [0:5] = 6 rows  in the file adder_data.txt                                    reg                                    [                                    3                                    :                                    0                                    ]                                    read_data                                    [                                    0                                    :                                    5                                    ];                                    integer                                    i                                    ;                                    initial                                    brainstorm                                    // readmemb = read the binary values from the file                                    // other pick is 'readmemh' for reading hex values                                    // create Modelsim projection to use relative path with respect to project directory                                    $readmemb                                    (                                    "input_output_files/adder_data.txt"                                    ,                                    read_data                                    );                                    // or provide the compelete path equally below                                    // $readmemb("D:/Testbences/input_output_files/adder_data.txt", read_data);                                    // total number of lines in adder_data.txt = 6                                    for                                    (                                    i                                    =                                    0                                    ;                                    i                                    <                                    6                                    ;                                    i                                    =                                    i                                    +                                    ane                                    )                                    brainstorm                                    // 0_1_0_1 and 0101 are read in the same mode, i.e.                                    //a=0, b=1, sum_expected=0, carry_expected=0 for above line;                                    // but utilise of underscore makes the values more readable.                                    {                                    a                                    ,                                    b                                    ,                                    sum_carry_expected                                    }                                    =                                    read_data                                    [                                    i                                    ];                                    // apply this or below                                    // {a, b, sum_carry_expected[0], sum_carry_expected[1]} = read_data[i];                                    #                                    20                                    ;                                    // look for xx clock cycle                                    end                                    end                                    endmodule                                  


Fig. 9.5 Simulation results of List nine.4

ix.iii.2. Write data to file¶

In this part, unlike types of values are defined in List nine.v and and then stored in the file.

Caption Listing 9.5

To write the information to the file, first we demand to define an 'integer' as shown in Line 14, which will work as buffer for open-file (run across Line 28). Then data is written in the files using 'fdisplay' command, and remainder of the code is aforementioned as Listing 9.4.

Listing 9.5 Write data to file

                                    one  2  three  4  five  vi  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 xv sixteen 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 twoscore 41 42 43
                                                                        // write_file_ex.v                                    // note that, we demand to create Modelsim project to run this file,                                    // or provide full path to the input-file i.e. adder_data.txt                                                                        `timescale                                    i                                    ns                                    /                                    10                                    ps                                    // time-unit of measurement = one ns, precision = ten ps                                    module                                    write_file_ex                                    ;                                    reg                                    a                                    ,                                    b                                    ,                                    sum_expected                                    ,                                    carry_expected                                    ;                                    // [3:0] = iv bit information                                    // [0:5] = vi rows  in the file adder_data.txt                                    reg                                    [                                    3                                    :                                    0                                    ]                                    read_data                                    [                                    0                                    :                                    5                                    ];                                    integer                                    write_data                                    ;                                    integer                                    i                                    ;                                    initial                                    begin                                    // readmemb = read the binary values from the file                                    // other option is 'readmemh' for reading hex values                                    // create Modelsim projection to employ relative path with respect to projection directory                                    $readmemb                                    (                                    "input_output_files/adder_data.txt"                                    ,                                    read_data                                    );                                    // or provide the compelete path equally beneath                                    // $readmemb("D:/Testbences/input_output_files/adder_data.txt", read_data);                                    // write data : provide full path or create project as above                                    write_data                                    =                                    $fopen                                    (                                    "input_output_files/write_file_ex.txt"                                    );                                    for                                    (                                    i                                    =                                    0                                    ;                                    i                                    <                                    six                                    ;                                    i                                    =                                    i                                    +                                    1                                    )                                    begin                                    {                                    a                                    ,                                    b                                    ,                                    sum_expected                                    ,                                    carry_expected                                    }                                    =                                    read_data                                    [                                    i                                    ];                                    #                                    20                                    ;                                    // write data to file using 'fdisplay'                                    $fdisplay                                    (                                    write_data                                    ,                                    "%b_%b_%b_%b"                                    ,                                    a                                    ,                                    b                                    ,                                    sum_expected                                    ,                                    carry_expected                                    );                                    end                                    $fclose                                    (                                    write_data                                    );                                    // shut the file                                    end                                    endmodule                                  


Fig. 9.6 Information in file 'write_file_ex.txt'

ix.4. Testbench for sequential designs¶

In previous sections, we read the lines from one file and then saved those line in other file using 'for loop'. As well, we saw apply of 'initial' and 'always' blocks. In this department, we volition combine all the techniques together to salvage the results of Mod-1000 counter, which is an example of 'sequential design'. The Mod-g counter is discussed in Listing 6.4. Testbench for this listing is shown in List 9.6 and the waveforms are illustrated in Fig. ix.vii.

Explanation Listing ix.6

In the testbench following operations are performed,

  • Simulation information is saved on the terminal and saved in a file. Note that, 'monitor/fmonitor' keyword can exist used in the 'initial' cake, which tin can runway the changes in the signals as shown in Lines 98-108 and the output is shown in Fig. ix.viii. In the figure nosotros tin can see that the 'error' message is displayed two time (just the error is at one place only), as 'monitor' command checks for the transition in the indicate too.
  • If nosotros desire to runway but final results, then 'display/fdisplay' command tin can exist used within the always cake as shown in Lines 110-124 (Uncomment these lines and comment Lines 98-108). Output is show in Fig. 9.ix. Note that, it is very easy to look for errors in the concluding/csv file as compare to finding it in the waveforms.
  • Simulation is stopped after a fixed number of clock-bike using 'if statement' at Line 76-84. This method can exist extended to stop the simulation after sure status is reached.


Notice the apply of 'negedge' in the code at Lines 89 and 117, to compare the result saved in file 'mod_m_counter_desired.txt' (Fig. 9.10) with consequence obtained by 'modMCounter.5' (Line 32). For more details, please read the comments in the lawmaking.


Fig. 9.7 Waveform for Listing nine.6


Fig. nine.8 Data displayed using 'initial block' and 'monitor' (Lines 98-108 of Listing 9.vi)


Fig. 9.9 Data saved in .csv file using 'e'er cake' and 'fdisplay' (Lines 110-124 of Listing ix.6)


Fig. 9.10 Content of file 'mod_m_counter_desired.txt'

List nine.half-dozen Relieve data of simulation

                                  1   ii   3   4   5   6   7   eight   9  10  11  12  13  14  fifteen  16  17  xviii  19  xx  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31  32  33  34  35  36  37  38  39  40  41  42  43  44  45  46  47  48  49  50  51  52  53  54  55  56  57  58  59  lx  61  62  63  64  65  66  67  68  69  70  71  72  73  74  75  76  77  78  79  eighty  81  82  83  84  85  86  87  88  89  90  91  92  93  94  95  96  97  98  99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126
                                                                    // modMCounter_tb.five                                  // note that the counter starts the count from 1 after reset (non from 0),                                  // therefore file "mod_m_counter_desired.txt" starts with 1 (not from 0),                                                                    // likewise one entry in the file is incorrect i.e. Line 10, where 'i' is written                                  // instead of 'a'.                                                                    `timescale                                  1                                  ns                                  /                                  10                                  ps                                  // fourth dimension-unit = 1 ns, precision = x ps                                  module                                  modMCounter_tb                                  ;                                  localparam                                  Chiliad                                  =                                  12                                  ,                                  N                                  =                                  4                                  ,                                  menstruum                                  =                                  xx                                  ;                                  reg                                  clk                                  ,                                  reset                                  ;                                  wire                                  complete_tick                                  ;                                  // desired_count is read from file                                  // count is count provided by modMCounter.v                                  wire                                  [                                  N                                  -                                  ane                                  :                                  0                                  ]                                  count                                  ;                                  reg                                  [                                  N                                  -                                  1                                  :                                  0                                  ]                                  desired_count                                  ;                                  reg                                  [                                  39                                  :                                  0                                  ]                                  error_msg                                  ;                                  // message = error                                  // [3:0] = iv bit data                                  // [0:G-one] = 12 rows  in the file mod_m_counter_desired.txt                                  reg                                  [                                  3                                  :                                  0                                  ]                                  read_data                                  [                                  0                                  :                                  Thousand                                  -                                  1                                  ];                                  integer                                  counter_data                                  ;                                  // for saving counter-data on file                                  integer                                  i                                  =                                  0                                  ,                                  j                                  =                                  0                                  ,                                  total_cycle                                  =                                  M                                  ;                                  // used for ending the simulation later on K cycle                                  // unit under examination                                  modMCounter                                  #(.                                  Grand                                  (                                  Thou                                  ),                                  .                                  N                                  (                                  N                                  ))                                  UUT                                  (.                                  clk                                  (                                  clk                                  ),                                  .                                  reset                                  (                                  reset                                  ),                                  .                                  complete_tick                                  (                                  complete_tick                                  ),                                  .                                  count                                  (                                  count                                  ));                                  // read the data from file                                  always                                  @(                                  posedge                                  clk                                  )                                  begin                                  $readmemh                                  (                                  "input_output_files/mod_m_counter_desired.txt"                                  ,                                  read_data                                  );                                  if                                  (                                  reset                                  )                                  desired_count                                  =                                  0                                  ;                                  else                                  begin                                  desired_count                                  =                                  read_data                                  [                                  j                                  ];                                  j                                  =                                  j                                  +                                  1                                  ;                                  end                                  stop                                  // open up csv-file for writing                                  initial                                  begin                                  counter_data                                  =                                  $fopen                                  (                                  "input_output_files/counter_output.csv"                                  );                                  // open file                                  end                                  // note that sensitive list is omitted in e'er block                                  // therefore e'er-block run forever                                  // clock menstruation = ii ns                                  always                                  brainstorm                                  clk                                  =                                  one                                  'b1                                  ;                                  #                                  20                                  ;                                  // high for 20 * timescale = 20 ns                                  clk                                  =                                  i                                  'b0                                  ;                                  #                                  xx                                  ;                                  // depression for 20 * timescale = 20 ns                                  terminate                                  // reset                                  initial                                  begin                                  reset                                  =                                  1                                  ;                                  #(                                  period                                  );                                  reset                                  =                                  0                                  ;                                  terminate                                  // finish the simulation total_cycle and close the file                                  // i.e. store just total_cycle values in file                                  always                                  @(                                  posedge                                  clk                                  )                                  begin                                  if                                  (                                  total_cycle                                  ==                                  i                                  )                                  begin                                  $terminate                                  ;                                  $fclose                                  (                                  counter_data                                  );                                  // close the file                                  finish                                  i                                  =                                  i                                  +                                  ane                                  ;                                  stop                                  // notation that, the comparison is made at negative border,                                                                    // when all the transition are settled.                                                                    // if we use 'posedge', then outcome volition not exist in correct form                                  always                                  @(                                  negedge                                  clk                                  )                                  begin                                  if                                  (                                  desired_count                                  ==                                  count                                  )                                  error_msg                                  =                                  "    "                                  ;                                  else                                  error_msg                                  =                                  "mistake"                                  ;                                  end                                  // print the values on last and file                                  initial                                  begin                                  // write on terminal                                  $brandish                                  (                                  "    time, desired_count, count, complete_tick, error_msg"                                  );                                  // monitors checks and print the transitions                                  $monitor                                  (                                  "%6d, %10b, %7x, %5b,  %15s"                                  ,                                  $time                                  ,                                  desired_count                                  ,                                  count                                  ,                                  complete_tick                                  ,                                  error_msg                                  );                                  // write on the file                                  $fdisplay                                  (                                  counter_data                                  ,                                  "time, desired_count, count, complete_tick, error_msg"                                  );                                  $fmonitor                                  (                                  counter_data                                  ,                                  "%d,%b,%x,%b,%south"                                  ,                                  $time                                  ,                                  desired_count                                  ,                                  count                                  ,                                  complete_tick                                  ,                                  error_msg                                  );                                  end                                  // // print the values on final and file                                  // // header line                                  // initial                                  // begin                                  //     $fdisplay(counter_data,"time,desired_count,count,complete_tick,error_msg");                                  // end                                  // // negative edge is used here, as mistake values are updated on negedge                                  // always @(negedge clk)                                  // begin                                  //     // write on terminal                                  //     $display("%6d, %10b, %7x, %5b,  %15s", $time, desired_count, count, complete_tick,  error_msg);                                  //     // write on the file                                  //     $fdisplay(counter_data, "%d, %d, %x, %b,  %s", $time, desired_count, count, complete_tick,  error_msg);                                  // end                                  endmodule                                

9.5. Conclusion¶

In this chapter, we learn to write testbenches with different styles for combinational circuits and sequential circuits. Nosotros saw the methods past which inputs tin can be read from the file and the outputs tin exist written in the file. Simulation results and expected results are compared and saved in the csv file and displayed as simulation waveforms; which demonstrated that locating the errors in csv files is easier than the simulation waveforms.