Family Vacation to Visit in Laws Funny

Going on vacation is one of my favorite things to do, even with my in-laws. I love going to and exploring new places. When my hubby, Eric, and I first got married we would go on vacations at the drop of a hat. Then once we started having kids, those vacations became few and far between because they were replaced by the family vacations. Our girls love to travel as well and staying in hotels.

Going on vacation with your extended family, especially your in-laws, can be tricky. Here are five keys to taking a vacation with your in-laws stress-free. Click...

Now that my girls are a little older, our family vacations have begun to expand as well. Going on vacation with your extended family, especially your in-laws, can be tricky. So I am going to share with you the five tips to taking a vacation with your in-laws that I have learned. Then not only will you all enjoy yourself, but you will want to do it again.

Tip #1 To Taking A Vacation With In-Laws: Plan Ahead

Going on vacation with your extended family, especially your in-laws, can be tricky. Here are five keys to taking a vacation with your in-laws stress-free. Click...

There is so much that goes into planning a vacation, that taking the time to plan ahead together helps to alleviate a lot of the stress and pressure. You want to take the time to plan months in advance things like where you want to go, when you want to go, and what it is going to cost you.

Taking into account everyone's potential work and school schedules along with everyone's budgetary constraints. No one wants to be made to feel, especially your in-laws, that they are being pressured to do something or being prevented from being able to do something because they were not given enough time to plan for it. Taking time to plan ahead is not only practical, but also biblical.

Careful planning puts you ahead in the long run; hurry and scurry puts you further behind.
Proverbs 21:5 (MSG)

Tip #2 To Taking A Vacation With In-Laws: Make Sure There's Enough Space And Things For You All To Do

When going on vacation with your in-laws, you'll have a lot of people traveling with many different needs and interests. Everyone will need his or her own space and things that they like to do. Space becomes a big factor when you choose to go with a rental property instead of a hotel. Even though you are family, you do not all normally live together.

So making sure everyone has enough space to move around and to have a moment to themselves when needed is important. Let's face it, at some point someone will get on someone else's nerves. So having room to go cool off or just have a little space is necessary.

Tip #3 To Taking A Vacation With Extended-Family: Divide Responsibilities

Going on vacation with your extended family, especially your in-laws, can be tricky. Here are five keys to taking a vacation with your in-laws stress-free. Click...

This is a big one because everyone should feel like they have a part in helping your vacation come together. There is a lot that goes into planning a vacation and no one person should be solely responsible. This also alleviates anyone from feeling like they have to do everything.

For example, we went on vacation to the beach with my in-laws. Eric and I rented the beach house and my in-laws took care of the transportation. With these key items of the vacation taken care of, it was easy for us to also divide up all the other things responsibilities, like buying food, cooking, etc.

Tip #4: Do Not Over Schedule Yourselves

Going on vacation with your extended family, especially your in-laws, can be tricky. Here are five keys to taking a vacation with your in-laws stress-free. Click...

Vacations should be relaxing, not stressful. So making sure you do not try to schedule every moment of everyone's day is important for many reasons. First, that in itself is stressful. Second, because no one wants to be told what to do every minute of the day. Lastly, your idea of fun may not be everyone else's. Have some planned activities yes, but allow for everyone to have free time to do what they want to do as well. We have to remember that schedules and routines may work well in our homes, but they cannot be forced on everyone else, especially on vacation.

Tip #5 To Vacationing With Your In-Laws: Be Flexible and Enjoy

Going on vacation with your extended family, especially your in-laws, can be tricky. Here are five keys to taking a vacation with your in-laws stress-free. Click...

If I could only give you one key to going on vacation with your in-laws, this would be it. As much as we want everything to go according to plan, that is just not real life. Especially when dealing with a large group of people. So if plan A seems to be going awry, then be open and willing to go with plan B. At the end of the day it is not about your plan or list of scheduled activities. It's about spending time together and enjoying the time you have no matter where and what you are doing.

Remember going on vacation with your in-laws does not have to stressful or something that you should dread. By using these 5 tips you can have a successful and enjoyable vacation experience that you will talk about for years to come.

I'd love to hear about any tips or vacations you have taken
with your in-laws or extended family in the comments!

Going on vacation with your extended family, especially your in-laws, can be tricky. Here are five keys to taking a vacation with your in-laws stress-free. #family #familyvacations #vacationhacks


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